Our film society launches or twelfth Season for 2025! Mountain Shadow bringing the best pre-theatrical or newest releases in international and independent film making to Walnut Creek! You can check out the kinds of films you’ll enjoy at Mountain Shadow by reading the list of films reviewed each month HERE.

Pro-rated MEMBERSHIPS for the remainder of 2025 AVAILABLE:

Mountain Shadow is still accepting a few more pro-rated memberships for the remainder of 2025. The Application Form can be found HERE. Page #1 provides important information. P.2 is a ‘fillable’ form to complete, print and mail with payment by check; or return by email, if paying by credit card. Note: a credit card processing fee applies. Payment can also be made with credit card by calling Mountain Shadow: 925-787-6965. You will receive a confirmation email of your new membership upon receipt of your application. ALSO NOTE: The S-1 Saturday 4:30 PM Series is fully subscribed. You can contact us to inquire if there are any memberships for that Series still available.

Any questions, just contact Mountain Shadow's  Director, John Bennison: or 925-787-6965.

More about Mountain Shadow MEMBER BENEFITS:

Lower admission price per film and guaranteed seat. Your annual membership gives you a significant discount, compared to the $14.00 general admission ticket price, beginning in January, 2025. With your membership you’re pre-paid for the entire year and assured there’ll be a seat for you for your selected Series! Members can also attend another Series’ date, space permitting; or use the Member Swap feature to try to exchange with another member to assure a seat.

- The Member Lending Library is available to members only, providing the opportunity to borrow prior films (blu-ray or DVD) of the vast majority of the films we’ve screened over the last ten years! This enables members to catch a show they may have missed, or view the film a second time!

Film Discussions - Each month there's opportunity to participate in an hour-long Coffee & Film Discussion group that meets at 10 AM on the Monday following the last show each month. We use a reserved room at the Capital One Café on Main Street in Walnut Creek.

- The popular “Encore Evenings” program in the Director’s home is offered at least once each Summer for a limited number of members who sign-up.

For additional information, just contact Mountain Shadow's  Director, John Bennison: or call 925-787-6965.

Thank you.